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Who's visiting my Site?

Step 4: Website Statistics Tools


Measure the Success of your Website

Get a website statistics tool and measure the traffic your pages receive.

select a Web Tool to author your content

By using a Website Statistics tool, you'll get to know:

  • how many people visit your site 
  • when they visited your site 
  • if they are return visitors to your site 
  • what specific pages they looked at 
  • how much time they spent on your website 
  • where (geographically) they come from 
  • what web site they came from, and much more 

Knowing these details, will allow to test different versions of pages against each other and to create content that supports other aspects of your enterprise. It allows you to put targeted information on your most visited pages. if you don't know what pages are visited more often, you will not have the advantage to do this.

One detail to find out would be; do links I pay for on other websites (let's say a register of restaurants) bring me any traffic? You could for example print a web address into your print ad and see if anyone responds to it. That is just one way to utilise your website to measure other business activities and link the 'real' world with the virtual one.

Another could be; 'did anyone visit the web address I mentioned on a particular piece of print advertising'.

There are many different Website Statistics Programs available on the Internet

  • Some are included in your hosting package 
  • Other Website Statistics Tools are free of charge (they maybe live from users clicking on sponsored links be a project of a web designer community that makes this tool available) 
  • Professional Website Statistics Tools, that you have to pay for 

No matter how much statistic detail you want to know, there are packages out there to suit your requirements.

In most cases the provider of the website statistics service will provide a block of invisible code to be pasted into your web page. This is a simple process and is commonly described in a Step by Step fashion to ensure easy installation to your pages.

If you want, you can have an actual counter that is visible to all your visitors or an image linking back to the Website Statistics Service Provider or can be a totally invisible part - it's up to you.

The important part is simply to be able to interpret the web traffic that your site generates. Do Visitors look at my Function Packages or is there any interest in my Conference Room Facilities, do they check out my Restaurant Menu, do they check the details or my Fish of the Day offer etc. etc.? Website Statistics Tools or Services will provide the answers you have or should ask for.

A website without a Website Statistics Tool built into it is a wasted opportunity.


Recommended Steps forward:




When it comes to analysing web traffic, I just can't go around Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free resource that measures all sorts of data related to your site (see over).

It works by adding a small snippet of code onto each of your web pages which then triggers the system to record any relevant data.


Search Google for "WebsiteStatistics Tool" 
(link above opens in a new window) 






Next step (5. Web Publishing)>>



StatCounter - a free Website Statistics Tool

Click here to visit the StatCounter.com