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Hi, my name is Urs Ruprecht, a Chef by trade,
Computer and Internet enthusiast by choice.
Between the mid 1990's and early 2004, I
was running my own restaurant in Sydney, Australia. This business was up
to that point the culmination of now more than 25 Years of industry experience. It has let me
gain deeper insight into various aspects of the hospitality industry.
Using the Internet as a key tool is in my opinion the
most under utilised resource available to our industry.
The phobia surrounding this medium still creates
disadvantages for the players of the industry. The reason for me to post this website is
to create a more level playing field and make it possible for anyone to have a go at
Hope the information provided here is going to be
beneficial to your enterprise!
Good luck...
Urs Ruprecht
Director, Les Rochers Pty Ltd
Les Rochers Pty. Ltd.
North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia