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Where can I publish my stuff

Step 3: The space to show your site


Your Space on the Net - Get a Web Host.

To Publish your Site on the Internet, you will need web space to host your content


select a Web Space Provider to host your content

The space where you place content is provided by a web hosting company. They have computers that are constantly connected to the internet and will keep your content visible to the world wide web. You will have to pay for this service, unless you are happy for them to have their advertising on your websites.

 If their advertising doesn't bother you they will provide you with:

  • a free domain name (but it will be named something strange like: www.yourname.yourhostingcompany.com)
  • free web space (how much varies from hosting company to another)
  • free Bandwidth (how much varies from hosting company to another)
  • free administration and sometimes free web authoring tools

Note: Bandwidth is the amount of web traffic generated by people visiting a site

If you want total control (and I think that is probably what you need if you are trying to set up a showcase for your business), there are very cost effective web hosts out there.

In this case you will need:

  • your own domain name (as per Step 1)
  • your content (as per Step 2)
  • your hosting account (free administration and free web authoring tools are usually included)

Hosting Accounts - Your Web Space

The price for the hosting account packages varies with features provided and depends on:

  • size of web space included - the more storage space you require, the more costly it usually can become
  • Bandwidth included - this is the amount of traffic that is generated when files are up or down loaded from or to your web space 
  • included administration, web authoring and management tools

How much web space you need depends on the number of graphics you want to place on the web page (pictures, videos and sound files use lots more space than text)

To start off, a basic hosting package is usually more than adequate (see links opposite for some very reasonable and generous basic options)

Once you have a hosting package, you will need to set the domain name to match your web space. This is usually done by accessing the administration area of the respective accounts. This process is fully explained within these systems and is easy to follow.

If you choose the same provider for your web space hosting as well as domain name needs, the link between those two is usually part of the setup process when you sign in the first time.


Recommended Steps forward:

Search Google for "Web Hosting Services"

Web space hosting services with authoring tools (free or other):

Link to Dreamhost-Webhosting...





Next Step (4: Website Statistics Tools)>>